According to the IMD, Delhi’s minimum temperature is expected to be 7 degrees Celsius, while the maximum could reach 19 degrees Celsius on Saturday. Residents in some parts of the city experienced foggy conditions on Saturday morning amidst ongoing cold weather, causing low visibility that disrupted flight and train services.
The India Meteorological Department (IMD) had forecast “very dense fog” for Saturday for Delhi, which recorded a temperature around 11 degree Celsius at 7:30 am.
The minimum temperature for the day is expected to settle at 7 degree Celsius, while the maximum is likely to hover around 19 degree Celsius.
According to the weather department’s forecast, the foggy conditions are expected to continue for the next three days, before “rain or thunderstorms” on January 22 and 23.
As many as 47 trains headed towards the national capital were delayed till 6 am due to the foggy weather, PTI reported citing the Indian Railways. Several flights at the Indira Gandhi International (IGI) airport were also delayed due to fog, news agency ANI reported.
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