टीवी लैंड कॉमेडी द सोल मैन में सेड्रिक द एंटरटेनर के पिता, बार्टन बेलेंटाइन के पिता, साथ ही डब्ल्यूबी ड्रामा...
Ishita Kishore, a graduate of Delhi University who won the civil services exam 2022, is still receiving congratulations. Kishore, a...
पुलिस ने मिसौरी के एक व्यक्ति को गिरफ्तार किया है, उनका मानना है कि जानबूझकर यू-हॉल ट्रक को व्हाइट हाउस...
In a tragic event, a nine-year-old girl was choked to death in a car after the driver accidentally rolled up...
The highest award bestowed by Fiji has been given to Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi. In a rare...
कर्नाटक का अगला मुख्यमंत्री कौन बनेगा, इस सवाल का जवाब मिल गया है. सूत्रों ने खुलासा किया है कि सिद्धारमैया...
The World Health Organisation (WHO), the world's leading public health organisation, issued a warning on Tuesday against employing artificial intelligence...
As large corporations across the world continue to lay off employees, LinkedIn is filled with posts from people looking for...
Many people worry that the number of jobs that will be lost in the future months (or maybe even weeks)...
The Indian Meteorological Department has said that the severe cyclonic storm ‘Mocha’ is set to intensify into a very severe...