Nagpur, 21st October 2024 – In a remarkable effort to foster the entrepreneurial spirit among young minds, Savishkar India and...
The Trainee Identification Number (TID) is transforming the landscape of educational and professional certification. This innovative system, introduced by the...
In the modern era, certificates serve as tangible evidence of our achievements, yet managing them can pose challenges, such as...
The NEP Manthan Symposium, held on December 16, 2023, at Kavivarya Suresh Bhat Sabhagruha in Nagpur, drew over 3000 educators...
In a remarkable blend of innovation and space exploration, the Indian Council for Technical Research and Development (ICTRD) took a...
The IT field is a dynamic and ever-evolving realm that fuels the heartbeat of modern society. To be at the...
The last day of April 2023 proved to be a Super Sunday for Nagpurians. For, the maiden grand event TEDxAmbazariLake...
इंडियन काउंसिल फॉर टेक्निकल रिसर्च एंड डेवलपमेंट (ICTRD) भारत के सबसे बड़े स्टार्टअप फेस्ट का संयोजक है। ICTRD द्वारा आयोजित...
Indian Council for Technical Research and Development is the Convener of India's largest startup fest. The Nagpur Startup Fest, organized...
Mumbai hosted the third incorporation day of the CivicTech Business Incubator “SMILE” run by the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC), named...