The Himachal Pradesh assembly has passed a Congress-supported resolution condemning BJP MP Kangana Ranaut for her recent comments on the farmers’ protests. Kangana had shared a video of her interview with Hindi daily Dainik Bhaskar, where she suggested that a “Bangladesh-like situation” could have emerged in India if not for the country’s strong leadership. She further alleged that bodies were hanging, and rapes occurred during the farmers’ protests against the now-repealed three farm laws.
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Assembly Condemns Kangana Ranaut’s Controversial Remarks
Kangana Ranaut’s comments sparked intense debates in the assembly of her Congress-ruled home state, leading to the adoption of a resolution condemning her statements. Thousands of farmers from Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, and other regions had protested at Delhi’s borders for several months over the now-repealed farm laws.
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Opposition Criticizes BJP MP Kangana Ranaut Ahead of Haryana Polls
With Haryana set to hold elections on October 1, the opposition targeted BJP MP Kangana Ranaut over her remarks. AAP’s Haryana president, Sushil Gupta, criticized the BJP, stating that the issue revealed the party’s “mindset” towards farmers. AAP also organized several protests in Haryana, while Shiv Sena (UBT) MP Priyanka Chaturvedi demanded an apology from Kangana.
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Controversy Over Kangana Ranaut’s Remarks Sparks Debate in Himachal Assembly
Kangana Ranaut posted on X, criticizing the BJP for failing to address her remarks about farmers. She noted that the BJP has not expressed regret over the allegations she made and implied that the party’s inaction suggests it is merely offering token support to farmers. In the Himachal Assembly, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Harshwardhan Chauhan condemned Kangana Ranaut’s comments as an insult to the entire farming community. After BJP members returned from a walkout, Chauhan demanded they clarify their position on the matter
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