Chief Minister and AAP candidate from Kalkaji, Atishi, filed a complaint with the Election Commission on Wednesday. She alleged that BJP workers were involved in “harassment and intimidation” of AAP volunteers in her constituency. Atishi stated that her party workers have been repeatedly targeted by BJP members during the election campaign. She emphasized that such actions are creating a hostile environment for AAP supporters in Kalkaji. The complaint highlighted multiple incidents where volunteers were allegedly threatened by BJP workers. Atishi urged the Election Commission to take immediate action against those responsible for these acts.
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In a letter to the Election Commission, she detailed seven incidents of alleged “intimidation” of AAP workers across Kalkaji since January 15.
“BJP workers led by their candidate from Kalkaji Ramesh Bidhuri and his associates have been going around in the constituency openly hurling abuses and physically intimidating AAP workers,” charged the chief minister.
Atishi urged the Election Commission to launch criminal proceedings against Mr. Bidhuri for allegedly “harassing and intimidating” AAP volunteers.
No immediate reaction was available from the BJP or Mr Bidhuri over Atishi’s charges.
She claimed that the “nuisance” caused by BJP workers has intensified in recent days following the nominations.
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She stated, “As a society, we cannot tolerate such behavior. It is your duty to ensure free and fair elections in Delhi,” while urging the Election Commission to take action.
She also called for the arrest of identified BJP workers to ensure a fair election process. Atishi requested the deployment of paramilitary forces in the area for security. These measures, she said, were necessary to guarantee free and fair elections.
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