Celebrities have been posting heartfelt respects to the late great Telugu filmmaker K Viswanath on social media in the wake of his passing. His contributions to Telugu cinema are unmatched. A number of celebrities, including Kamal Haasan, Chiranjeevi, Mammootty, Radikaa Sarath Kumar, Ravi Teja, and Ram Gopal Varma, remembered the director on social media. Due to infirmities brought on by aging, Viswanath, 92, passed away on Thursday.
Actors paid tributes
Remembering the late filmmaker, veteran actor Kamal Haasan, who had worked with Viswanath in three iconic films, tweeted, “Salute to a master (sic).” He shared the photo of a handwritten note that read, “Kalathapasvi K Viswanath fully understood the transience of life and immortality of art. Hence, his art will be celebrated beyond his lifetime and reign. Long live his art. An ardent fan. Kamal Haasan (sic).”
Chiranjeevi, a veteran Telugu actor, tweeted, “Shocked beyond words! Shri K Viswanath’s death leaves an indelible void in Indian / Telugu cinema and in my life! Man of many iconic and timeless films! The Legend Will Never Die! “Om Shanti” (sic). Chiranjeevi previously collaborated with Viswanath on Swayam Krushi, Subhalekha, and Aapadbhandavadu. Chiranjeevi recently paid Viswanath a visit at his home to celebrate his 92nd birthday.
Veteran Malayalam actor Mammootty, who had worked with Viswanath in Swathi Kiranam, tweeted, “Deeply saddened by the demise of Sri K Viswanath Garu. Had the privilege of being directed by him in Swathi Kiranam. My thoughts and prayers with his loved ones (sic).” Actor Radikaa Sarath Kumar, who had also worked in Swathi Kiranam and Swathi Muthyam, tweeted, “Viswanath garu. Shanti to a legend. A person in his own way leaves a huge vacuum of his art and thinking. Who made films with a purpose. Who was the calm in a storm. Will miss you dearly (sic).”
Filmmaker also paid his tribute in a series of tweets. On Friday, he tweeted, “Sad to hear about the passing of India’s 1st auteur director K Vishwanath… He is gone, but his films will live forever. He also tweeted, “His very own distinctive visual style and music and even more distinctive characterisations set in a culture and tradition which he deeply respects,is what makes K Vishwanath a true auteur. I hope he and his protégée Siri Vennela will have divine musical interaction in heaven.”
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