On Wednesday, Malaika Arora released an official statement on behalf of her family following the death of her father, Anil Mehta, who reportedly died by suicide. According to an India Today report, shortly before his death, the 62-year-old Anil Mehta made a final phone call to his daughters, Malaika and Amrita Arora. He reportedly told them, “I’m sick and tired.” The report also states that Anil contacted both daughters just before his fall, while Malaika was on her way to an event in Pune at the time. Hindustantimes.com has not independently verified these details.
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Malaika Arora Requests Privacy Following Father’s Death
On Wednesday night, the reality TV personality and former VJ, Malaika Arora, took to Instagram to request privacy from fans and media during this challenging time. Her statement announced the passing of her father, Anil Mehta, and described him as a “gentle soul,” a “devoted grandfather,” a “loving husband,” and “our best friend.” “Our family is deeply shocked by this loss, and we kindly ask for privacy from the media and well-wishers,” Malaika’s statement read. She expressed gratitude for the support and understanding received during this difficult period, signing off with thanks from her family: Joyce, Malaika, Amrita, Shakeel, Arhaan, Azaan, Rayyan, Casper, AXL, Duffy, and Buddy.
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Varun Dhawan Criticizes Paparazzi for Insensitive Behavior
Earlier today, actor Varun Dhawan condemned the paparazzi for their intrusive behavior towards Malaika Arora and her grieving family. He labeled their actions as “insensitive.” In an Instagram Story, Dhawan wrote, “Pointing cameras at people who are grieving is the most insensitive thing. Please, think about what you’re doing and what someone might be going through when you do this. I understand this is your work, but sometimes, another human being might not be okay with it. Show some humanity.”
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Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan Visit Malaika Arora’s Family
On Wednesday, Kareena Kapoor, accompanied by her husband Saif Ali Khan, visited Malaika Arora’s residence in Bandra, Mumbai, to offer their condolences following her father’s death. Other celebrities who paid their respects included Arjun Kapoor, Malaika’s ex-husband Arbaaz Khan, and Chunky Panday with his daughter Ananya Panday. Arbaaz’s family, including his parents Salma and Salim Khan, were also seen arriving at the home of Malaika and Amrita Arora.
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