Parties in Tamil Nadu are silent over the Narendra Modi government’s celebration of age-old links between Tamil Nadu and Varanasi via the month-long ‘Kashi Tamil Sangamam’, barring a few voices of protest.
“Going to Kashi” is a spiritual – if not physical — goal for many Tamil Hindus. In old times, the distance to the Uttar Pradesh city added to its aura, with the journey seen as not only about getting there – as per folklore, the bandits of Chambal were just one of the many hurdles — but also entry into the last, selfless phase of one’s life, or vanvas.
“In Kashi, we have Baba Vishwanath, while in Tamil Nadu we have the blessings of Lord Rameshwaram. Even Periyar, a Tamil social reformer and rationalist, and Bharathiyar, a revered Tamil nationalist poet, took the Kashi plunge at some point in their lives.
Even Periyar, a Tamil social reformer and rationalist, and Bharathiyar, a revered Tamil nationalist poet, took the Kashi plunge at some point in their lives.
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