On Wednesday, Delhi’s Rouse Avenue court ordered Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal to be held in CBI custody for three days in connection with the excise policy case. On Thursday, Kejriwal’s wife, Sunita, criticized his arrest by the CBI, expressing her anger on X by stating, “Until now, my prayer has always been for everyone to receive wisdom. But now, I pray for the destruction of the dictator.” The previous day, she had claimed that there was a system in place to ensure that the Aam Aadmi Party leader remains in jail.
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Sunita Kejriwal Criticizes Arrest and Remand of Arvind Kejriwal
Sunita Kejriwal, wife of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, voiced her frustration over her husband’s arrest, stating, “The court granted Arvind Kejriwal bail on June 20th, but the ED immediately got a stay. The following day, the CBI made him an accused, and today, they have arrested him.” The entire system is working to ensure he stays in jail. This is not law; this is dictatorship, this is an emergency.” On Wednesday, Delhi’s Rouse Avenue court ordered Kejriwal to three days of CBI custody. During this period, the court permitted Sunita Kejriwal to visit him for 30 minutes and allowed his lawyer to meet him daily for 30 minutes. The court also approved him carrying his prescribed medications during the remand. The CBI, in its remand request, stated it needed Kejriwal’s custody to uncover a “larger conspiracy” in the excise policy case.
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According to the CBI, Arvind Kejriwal stated that Vijay Nair was collaborating with Saurabh Bhardwaj and Atishi. The CBI accused Kejriwal of attempting to place the entire responsibility on Manish Sisodia, claiming that he professed ignorance about the excise policy. In court, Kejriwal refuted the CBI’s accusations, denying that he blamed Sisodia. He stated, “The CBI’s claim that I have implicated Manish Sisodia is entirely false. Manish Sisodia is innocent, the Aam Aadmi Party is innocent, and I am innocent. These statements are being disseminated in the media to tarnish our reputation.”
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