On Monday, Bajaj Housing Finance made a strong debut, listing with a 114% gain at Rs 150 per share on the BSE, up from the issue price of Rs 70. The shares later rose to Rs 160.92 each.
Shivani Nyati, head of wealth at Swastika Investmart Ltd, remarked, “Bajaj Housing Finance , part of the well-known Bajaj Group, had an outstanding stock market debut, listing at Rs. 150 per share—an bajaj impressive 114% premium over the issue price of Rs. 70. This exceptional performance was expected due to the IPO’s massive subscription of 67.43 times and the high grey market premium.”
She noted that the listing underscores investors’ strong confidence in the company’s solid financials, supported by the esteemed Bajaj Group.
Nyati added that Bajaj Housing Finance’s steady growth and fair valuation made it a very appealing investment opportunity.
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She noted that the successful debut reflects the company’s solid fundamentals and the market’s optimism about its growth prospects. Investors who got IPO allotments might want to consider taking profits now, while those choosing to hold should think about setting a stop loss at Rs. 135 to manage risk. It’s crucial to keep an eye on the company’s performance and market conditions for well-informed decisions.
Master Capital Services Advises Medium- to Long-Term Investment in Bajaj Housing Finance
Master Capital Services suggested that investors should consider a medium- to long-term investment in Bajaj Housing Finance, citing its robust growth, significant presence in the housing finance sector, reputable group and management background, and competitive valuation relative to its peers.
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