In a tragic event, a nine-year-old girl was choked to death in a car after the driver accidentally rolled up the backseat window while she had her head out the window. The event occurred on Monday in Telangana’s Suryapet district, as the victim was watching a wedding celebration from the safety of his car.
The girl, identified as Banoth Indraja, was sitting in the car with the bride when she decided to stick her head out of the window to see during celebrations of a wedding ceremony.
Without noticing her, the driver pressed the power button to roll up the window glass. The girl’s neck was stuck in the window and she could not breathe.
According to a preliminary investigation, no one noticed the girl screaming for help for a while due to loud music and fireworks during the celebrations.
Angered by the incident, the family and relatives of the girl have accused the driver of the car of negligence that led to her death.
After receiving a complaint, police rushed to the spot and sent the body to a government hospital for postmortem. A case was registered into the matter and investigation is underway.
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