An FIR has been registered against Sanjay Raut in Mumbai’s Vakola Police Station under sections 504,506 and 509 of IPC for allegedly threatening Swapna Patkar (a witness in the Patra Chawl land case). Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut was arrested by the Enforcement Directorate on Monday in a money laundering case involving Mumbai’s Patra Chawl. He was arrested at 12:05 am today under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) in the land scam case. Moreover, he will be produced before a special PMLA court in Mumbai later in the day, where the Enforcement Directorate will seek his custody.
Meanwhile, an FIR has been registered against him in Mumbai’s Vakola Police Station under sections 504,506 and 509 of IPC for allegedly threatening Swapna Patkar (a witness in the Patra Chawl land case).
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