In a disturbing event, a 15-year-old student in Pimpri-Chinchwad reportedly jumped from his 14th-floor home, allegedly as part of a challenge from the infamous Blue Whale online game, according to police reports on Monday.
The boy, living in the posh Runwal Gate Society, was identified as Arya Shreerao, studying in a reputed school nearby. The incident has shaken parents and youngsters alike in the twin city.
According to an official of Ravet Police Station, the incident occurred on the night of July 25-26 and an accidental death report has been registered, while further investigations are underway.
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Class 10 Student’s Tragic Death Linked to Blue Whale Game
Described as a shy but intelligent student studying in Class 10, the boy’s father works abroad while the mother learnt of Arya’s death in their housing society WhatsApp group later that morning.
Police said that the boy had even sketched his intentions on a sheet of paper – to complete the game by ending his life – after remaining locked in his room for several hours that night, even as the mother was in the next room.
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He became addicted to the game around six months ago, and at times he would lock himself in his room for two-three days completing the so-called tasks demanded from the gamesters.
At that time, another unidentified boy was reportedly playing the game with him and is suspected to have made the demand to complete the final demand on Arya, which the police are now probing.
Incidentally, there have been vociferous protests at the easy availability of ‘killer games’ Blue Whale to youngsters with online campaigns seeking to block/ban them as they have caused the deaths of several people in India in the past few years.
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