October 5, 2024

News , Article

India Post: Proudly ‘posting’ happiness

INDIA Post has been very closely associated with common people since its beginning.

By Gaurav Lakhe :

The 1994-batch Union Public Service Commission Officer is very humble but straightforward. She is a ‘Pan-India’ officer! Ask Madhale about the place she belongs to and pat comes the reply, “I belong to India”. The reply has no drama as Madhale, since joining the department, has extended her services in many States across the nation.

“During the first and second wave of COVID-19, our postmen helped senior citizens a lot in getting them their monthly pension at doorsteps,” Madhale says. Share some memorable life experiences, Madhale narrated a brief story related to 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks of 2008. Meanwhile, Madhale was also taking care of the staffers as she found it to be her foremost duty. After a long wait of hours, Madhale could see her family and heaved sigh of relief.

On a concluding note, Madhale shared her happiness and proud feeling over India Post’s successful journey. She says, she will be trying to give all the more to India Post.