BJP’s Rahul Narwekar took charge as the Maharashtra Assembly Speaker. The Uddhav Thackeray-led Shiv Sena on Sunday filed a disqualification petition. He filed it with the new Speaker against MLAs from Eknath Shinde’s faction. This comes as the Eknath Shinde camp has moved to disqualify 16 Uddhav Thackeray-led Sena MLAs. Shiv Sena (Shinde camp) Chief Whip Bharat Gogawale has informed newly-elected Speaker Rahul Narwekar that they are moving to disqualify the 16 MLAs.
All this comes ahead of the much awaited the floor test scheduled for Monday. The newly formed Shiv Sena-BJP government will face the floor test on July 4. It will be held during the special two-day session of the Legislative Assembly.
In a big win for the new Shinde-Fadnavis government, BJP leader Rahul Narwekar was elected as the new Speaker of the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly on Sunday. With 164 votes, Narwekar crossed the majority mark. As opposed to 107 votes registered for MVA and Uddhav Thackeray-led Shiv Sena candidate, MLA Rajan Salvi. Notably, a lawyer by profession, first-time BJP legislator Narwekar became the youngest ever Speaker of a state Assembly.
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