February 25, 2025

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Gurgaon startup employee incident

Gurgaon Startup Employee Allegedly Fired in 20 Days for Tea Breaks, Leaving on Time

A Reddit user shared a strange workplace experience about being fired just 20 days into a Gurugram startup job. He claimed his employer accused him of having an “attitude problem” and not being “down to earth” soon after joining.

The man said problems began soon after he joined, though he didn’t understand why he was labeled that way. “I didn’t understand, but I still said I don’t have an attitude and will work on it,” he wrote.

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He claimed his employer objected to him and two others taking tea breaks together. He was reportedly warned, “Don’t form groups, it’s bad for the company.” The issue worsened when his employer criticized him for leaving on time. “You leave exactly at 7, this isn’t good,” he recalled being told.

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On the 20th day, he was told to work from the director’s cabin instead of his desk. “Who works all day in a cabin with the director?” he wondered but still complied. Later, he glanced outside to check if his colleague was there for their tea break. This act seemed to frustrate the director. “The director got annoyed and said, ‘Why are you looking outside? I’m talking!’ and told HR and fired me immediately,” he claimed.