Bollywood actor Shakti Kapoor’s son Siddhanth Kapoor and four others arrested. They were arrested for allegedly consuming drugs during a party held in a Bengaluru hotel. They were released on station bail on Monday night after being arrested for drugs.
The Bengaluru police had arrested Siddhanth. Alongwith Akhil Soni, a business manager at a software company, Harjot Singh, the logistics head at a startup, Hani Rafeeque, a digital marketing employee, and Akhil, a freelance photographer, on Sunday night. They will have to appear before the police as and when called.
A police official said Siddhanth was the disc jockey at the event and most of the partygoers were from north India.
About Siddhanth Kapoor
Siddhanth is the brother of actress Shraddha Kapoor and Shakti Kapoor’s son. He is an actor and assistant director and has worked in more than 20 films.
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