The Union Cabinet, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has approved. A major decision to extend health coverage to all senior citizens aged 70 and above. Under the Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB PM-JAY). Announced on September 11, 2024, this initiative will provide health insurance benefits. To approximately 4.5 crore families, covering six crore senior citizens. Each family will receive up to ₹5 lakh in free health insurance under the scheme.
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This expansion fulfills a key promise from the BJP’s election manifesto. Which aimed to extend universal health coverage to senior citizens, regardless of their income or socio-economic background. By including all individuals aged 70 and above. The government aims to ensure that the elderly population has access to quality healthcare services without financial constraints.
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Government Expands Ayushman Bharat to Cover All Senior Citizens
Previously, the AB PM-JAY was primarily focused on low-income families, providing them with affordable healthcare. With this new development, all senior citizens will be eligible for benefits, irrespective of their economic status. A distinct card under the AB PM-JAY will be issued to the eligible seniors. Making it easier for them to access medical services.
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This decision is expected to significantly improve the quality of life for millions of senior citizens in India, who often face high healthcare costs as they age. By offering comprehensive health coverage, the government is addressing one of the critical concerns of the elderly population—affordable healthcare. The move also reflects the government’s broader focus on healthcare reform and its commitment to fulfilling its promises of welfare for all citizens, particularly the elderly.
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