On Sunday, the Lal Darwaza Bonalu festival in Hyderabad’s Old City was celebrated in magnificent manner, with a large number of devotees and political officials visiting the Simhavahini Mahankali temple and Akkanna Madanna temple.
Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav gave silk garments to Goddess Mahankali as a sign of prosperity. Political leaders and dignitaries came to pray at the temple. Governor Dr Tamilisai Soundararajan took part in the Ashadamasam Bonalu celebrations at Raj Bhavan temple, performing the puja and offering customary bonam to Nalla Pochamma. Bonalu celebrations were stage in 23 different temples across the Old City, including the Simhavahini Mahankali Temple.
Devotees in Telangana celebrated Lal Darwaza Bonalu celebrations in Hyderabad and Secunderabad, offering prayers and offerings to goddess Mahankali. The festival showcased the vibrant cultural heritage of Telangana and the deep devotion of the people towards the goddess.
Police monitor temple premises and surrounding regions through CCTV cameras, and special arrangements made at historical temples. The month-long celebrations began with the Golconda Mahankali Bonalu, where the Utsava Murthy (processional idol) of the goddess was take in a grand procession to the Golconda Fort. A procession will be organize to the River Musi, where Bonams will be immerse, marking the festival’s conclusion.
Private security personnel escorting Chikoti Praveen attempt to enter a Mahankali temple with ‘unauthorised’ weapons but were restrain by police. The police have not yet clarified the matter. A case will be register under the Arms Act and other relevant sections will be impose as necessary.
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