Ranveer Singh has been in the headlines for the past few days after multiple FIRs were filed against the actor for a nude photoshoot. After Alia Bhatt, Arjun Kapoor, Vidya Balan, and other Bollywood celebrities came in support of the actor, who courted controversy after he posed clothless for a magazine cover, now Janhvi Kapoor stood up for him. While speaking to the media at the launch of Reliance Digital, the actress said, “I think it’s artistic freedom and I don’t think anyone should be analyzed for artistic freedom.”
The “Gully Boy” star is facing an FIR in Mumbai following a complaint from an NGO alleging that he had “hurt the sentiments of women in general and insulted their modesty through his photographs”. The FIR was registered against Singh on a complaint filed at the Chembur Police Station. On July 28, a complaint was filed against the actor before a local court in Bihar’s Muzaffarpur by a social activist.
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