Priyanka Chopra enjoyed a day out with her daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas. On Friday, the actor shared a sweet photo of herself holding her little one during a hike with friend. In the photo she posted on Instagram, Priyanka covered her daughter’s face with a heart emoji. Priyanka and singer-actor Nick Jonas welcomed their first child together, Malti Marie, in January 2022.
Priyanka looked happy as her and Malti Marie posed for their photo outdoors. The actor shared the picture with the caption, “22 years and counting… and now with our babies… love you @tam2cul.” She added the hashtags ‘best friend’, ‘Godson’, and ‘friends like family’ to her post. While Priyanka wore a sleeveless white top with a pair of denim shorts, dark sunglasses and hiking shoes, Malti Marie wore a pink outfit with a blue cap. Many left comments like ‘adorable’ and ‘beautiful’ on the mother-daughter photo.
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