The Varun Dhawan-Alia Bhatt starrer ‘Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania’ is celebrating eight years of its release. The film marked the Bollywood debut of late actor Sidharth Shukla in a supporting role. Varun, who played the role of Rakesh “Humpty” Kumar Sharma in the film, on Monday took to his Instagram story to share some stills, which also featured actress Alia, who essayed the role of Kavya Pratap Singh, and Sidharth, who was seen in the role of Angad Bedi. Director Shashank Khaitan too posted a photo with the actors.
“8 years of #hskd … At times it feels like yesterday and at times another lifetime… So much has happened in just 8 years … Varun got Married. Karan had babies. I had a baby. Alia got married and is about to have a baby. Many of my HODs who were kids then, now have babies … Okay enough of baby talk. Raj and Bhanu went on to become film Directors. We battled through Covid. Siddharth Shukla left us for a better place,” he wrote.
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