Akshay Kumar was last seen in Ram Setu, Cuttputlli, BellBottom, RakshaBandhan, Bachchhan Paandey. The actor is trying hard to bring laughter back to the Hindi film industry like old times. Akshay seems hurt after making an exit from Hera Pheri 3 citing a script issue. Hera Pheri and its sequel starred Paresh Rawal, Suniel Shetty, which were released in 2000 and 2006, respectively. Awara Paagal Deewana hit the big screen in 2002.
“Akshay Kumar was hurt over being unable to be a part of Hera Pheri’s next installment since the franchise holds a special place in his career. However, Firoz Nadiadwala was being practical. Akshay refused to lower his price. This can’t be a one-way street; it’s not fair that only Akshay makes money while the producer incurs losses. And post-pandemic, one has no choice but to lower his/her remuneration,” Bollywood Hungama quoted its source as saying.
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