Union Home Minister Amit Shah announced on Thursday that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) will build a temple dedicated to Goddess Sita in Sitamarhi, Bihar. Speaking at a rally in Sitamarhi, Shah emphasized that the BJP is not intimidated by “vote bank” politics. He highlighted Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s role in constructing the Ram Lalla temple in Ayodhya and stated that the next goal is to create a significant memorial at Goddess Sita’s birthplace. Shah asserted that only Narendra Modi and the BJP could build a temple as exemplary as the life of Ma Sita, unlike those who distanced themselves from the Ram temple project. According to Hindu scriptures, Sita, the wife of Lord Ram, emerged from an earthen pot when Raja Janak was ploughing a field near Sitamarhi.
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Amit Shah’s Rally in Sitamarhi: A Call for a Sita Temple and Critique of Opposition
Union Home Minister Amit Shah advocated for the construction of a temple dedicated to Goddess Sita in Sitamarhi, Bihar, during a rally. This announcement follows Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s involvement in the consecration ceremony of the Ram temple in Ayodhya earlier this year. Shah highlighted that voters in Sitamarhi, one of Bihar’s 40 constituencies, will cast their ballots in the fifth phase of the Lok Sabha elections on May 20.
During his speech, Shah criticized Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) chief Lalu Prasad for aligning with the Congress party, accusing him of compromising his principles to secure a political position for his son. Shah stated, “Lalu Yadav, for the sake of power politics, to make his son the Chief Minister, has allied with the Congress party, which has always opposed the backward and extremely backward classes.” He also pointed out that it was the Modi government, not Congress or RJD, that honored former Bihar Chief Minister Karpoori Thakur with the Bharat Ratna.
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