West Bengal BJP leader Syria Parveen, who was instrumental in bringing the Sandeshkhali incident to light, resigned from the party on Thursday and joined the Trinamool Congress. In a press conference, Parveen accused the BJP of orchestrating the entire Sandeshkhali incident. She also alleged that the party had provided funds to its Basirhat Lok Sabha candidate, Rekha Patra. These serious allegations emerged just days before the voting in Basirhat.
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Ex-BJP leader parveen alleges sandeshkhali incident was scripted in bengal
In Sandeshkhali and Basirhat, I stood by women who had reported molestation and harassment, believing I was fighting for the truth, Parveen stated during a media briefing. “Later, I realized it was all fabricated—a scripted story. Mobile phones, media, and money were used, and BJP leaders orchestrated it through these means.” Parveen also remarked, The BJP is in conflict with the TMC. When I discovered that TMC leaders were fair and blameless, I decided I could no longer support the falsehoods.
She claimed to possess “numerous pieces of evidence” showing that BJP leaders had “scripted” the Sandeshkhali incident. In her Thursday press conference, Parveen further accused BJP leaders of using “SIM cards and phones” to manipulate the women of Sandeshkhali.
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Women accuse former TMC leader of land grab and Harassment
Earlier this year, Sandeshkhali drew significant attention when numerous women staged large protests against former Trinamool Congress leader Shahjahan Sheikh and his associates, accusing them of land grabbing and sexual harassment. Sheikh was subsequently arrested by state police in a separate case. The Basirhat Lok Sabha seat features a direct contest between TMC’s Haji Nurul Islam and BJP’s Rekha Patra.
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