On Monday, the Mumbai crime branch apprehended two individuals connected to the shooting incident at Bollywood actor Salman Khan’s home, tracing them to Bhuj in Gujarat. The suspects, identified as 24-year-old Vicky Sahab Gupta and 21-year-old Sagar Shrijogendra Pal, hail from Masihi in the West Champaran district of Bihar.
According to sources, police located both the accused, who were involved in the firing incident outside Salman Khan’s house in Mumbai’s Bandra on Sunday, in Bhuj district in Gujarat, and they will be brought to Mumbai on Tuesday morning.
Also Read: Srinagar: Four reportedly dead after boat overturns in Jhelum river near, 12 rescued
Bike-Borne Gunmen’s Escapade After Firing Outside Salman Khan’s Residence
Two bike-borne men had fired four rounds outside the Galaxy Apartments in Bandra at around 5 am on Sunday and had fled from the spot. Police had said that Salman Khan was present at his house when the firing occurred. No one was injured or died in the incident.
Officials found that after firing, the accused had abandoned their bike near a church, walked some distance and took an autorickshaw to Bandra railway station. They then boarded a train to Santacruz station, and hired another auto-rickshaw to go further.
Anmol Bishnoi, the brother of Lawrence Bishnoi, had claimed responsibility for the incident in a social media post.
Threats from Gangsters Linked to Blackbuck Hunting Incident Loom Over Salman Khan
Jailed gangster Lawrence Bishnoi and wanted gangster Goldie Brar have announced several times to kill Salman Khan. According to sources, Bishnoi and Brar had sent their shooters to Mumbai to kill the actor.
Lawrence Bishnoi’s gang has been targeting Salman Khan allegedly due to the 1998 blackbuck hunting incident. Blackbucks are considered sacred by the Bishnoi community.
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