Reacting to the gruesome killing of a 22-year-old tribal woman in Jharkhand, BJP MP Sanjay Seth on Monday called it an “inhuman act” and said that the accused should be hanged. The BJP leader’s remarks came a day after the woman’s body was found chopped into several pieces in Sahebganj district – a crime resonating with that of Delhi’s Shraddha Walkar murder case. A total of 12 body parts were said to have been recovered.
“This is an extremely inhuman act. Killing a primitive tribe Paharia girl and cutting her body in pieces is extreme cruelty. The accused should be hanged till death by handing over the case to a fast-track court,” Sanjay Seth said, as reported by news agency ANI.
The probe revealed that the husband allegedly murdered her over a personal dispute. A search is underway to locate the remaining missing body parts, added the police.
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