Police have arrested popular Kannada actor Darshan Thoogudeepa and his wife Pavithra Gowda for their alleged involvement in the murder of 33-year-old Renukaswamy from Bengaluru. The investigation revealed that Darshan used his influence to direct a fan club member to commit the murder. Renukaswamy allegedly created a fake Instagram account to send abusive messages to Pavithra. He felt upset over rumors of her extramarital affair, which he believed tarnished Darshan’s reputation.
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Confessions and Key Revelations Lead to Arrests in Renukaswamy Murder Case
The case took a major turn when three individuals—Raghavendra, Karthik, and Kesavamurthy—confessed to killing Renukaswamy. They revealed they were instructed not to mention Darshan’s name. They accepted Rs 5 lakh to take the blame and cover legal expenses. Pavithra instigated Darshan to retaliate against Renukaswamy, according to police sources. Darshan involved Raghavendra, the convenor of his fan club, to gather information. Renukaswamy’s wife Sahana stated that Raghavendra abducted her husband and took him to a shed in Kamakshipalya, where Darshan and his accomplices assaulted him.
A food delivery boy found Renukaswamy’s body. He saw dogs scavenging a human body in a stormwater drain and alerted the police. Initially, two accused confessed to killing Renukaswamy over a financial dispute. As the investigation progressed, Darshan and Pavithra’s involvement surfaced. This led to their arrest along with 11 others. The police are also searching for four additional suspects. Darshan, Pavithra, and the others have been remanded to six days of police custody. Authorities are continuing to interrogate and record statements from those involved.
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