A tragic incident unfolded at a Burger King outlet in Delhi’s Rajouri Garden, where a shooting claimed the life of a man named Aman. CCTV footage captured the horrific event around 9:40 pm on June 18. The video shows the assailants, well-prepared and fearlessly executing their plan, as they shot at Aman, causing chaos within the establishment.
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Terror Unleashed: Gang Violence Erupts in Rajouri Garden Shooting
The shooter, clad in a white shirt, was already present inside the outlet when Aman, seated with his friend Annu, became the target. The footage reveals the shooter standing up and opening fire at Aman. As panic erupted, Aman attempted to flee towards the cash counter, but the assailants, relentlessly pursuing him, continued firing. The violent scene sent customers and staff into a frenzy, attempting to escape the danger.
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Authorities now believe a gang war led to the murder. Himanshu Bhai, a notorious gangster currently in Portugal, claimed responsibility for the killing via social media. He stated that he and Naveen Bali, who is incarcerated in Tihar Jail, orchestrated the attack. This incident underscores the ongoing gang violence in west Delhi’s Rajouri Garden, shaking the community and putting authorities on high alert.
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