Telegram, the widely used messaging app, is under increasing scrutiny in India as it becomes a hotspot for various criminal activities. The platform is reportedly being used for distributing leaked exam papers, child pornography, stock price manipulation, and extortion, leading cyber experts, law enforcement, and former government officials to liken it to the dark web.
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Intensified Scrutiny on Telegram Following CEO’s Detention
The focus on Telegram has heightened after its CEO, Pavel Durov, was detained in France on Saturday due to accusations of insufficient action against criminal activities on the platform. Including the dissemination of child sexual abuse material. This incident has drawn worldwide attention to the unique challenges Telegram presents for law enforcement and digital content moderation.
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Paris Prosecutor’s Statement on CEO Investigation
The Paris prosecutor announced on Monday that the investigation into Pavel Durov involves crimes related to illicit transactions. Child pornography, fraud, and the refusal to provide information to authorities. In response, the company reiterated its long-standing position, stating. “It is absurd to hold a platform or its owner responsible for the misuse of that platform.”
Recent Cases of Financial Fraud Involving Telegram
On July 24, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) revealed a stock-price manipulation scheme being conducted through Telegram. The owner of a Telegram group was charged with receiving ₹20 lakh in commission from individuals linked to a publicly traded steel sheet manufacturing company. On May 3, two men from Bhopal were arrested for defrauding a local doctor of ₹38 lakh. They used Telegram to pose as police officers and carry out a fraudulent “interrogation.”
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