In a recent interview, actor Saif Ali Khan praised Congress MP and Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi. Speaking at the India Today Conclave, Saif highlighted Rahul as his pick among the country’s ‘brave’ politicians and acknowledged his efforts in reshaping his public image. Saif, currently promoting his upcoming film Devara Part 1, attended the conclave on Thursday. When asked about his preference for politicians, Saif stated, “I admire a brave and honest politician.”
Saif Ali Khan Recognizes Courage in Politics
The host subsequently mentioned Prime Minister Narendra Modi, former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, and Rahul Gandhi, asking Saif to identify a brave politician among them who could lead India into the future. Saif responded, “I believe they are all brave politicians. What Rahul Gandhi has accomplished is quite impressive. There was a time when people disrespected his words and actions, but he has successfully turned that perception around through his diligent and innovative efforts.”
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Saif’s Praise for Rahul Gandhi Sparks Viral Reactions
Saif Ali Khan’s commendation of Rahul Gandhi has been widely shared on social media, particularly among the politician’s supporters. The video has gone viral on X (formerly Twitter), with many interpreting it as the star’s ‘endorsement’ of Rahul Gandhi. Interestingly, in the Amazon Prime Video series Taandav, Saif portrayed a character that many compared to Rahul Gandhi, playing the role of the heir apparent to a Prime Minister in the political thriller.
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Devara Part 1 Launches with Promising Box Office Prospects
Saif Ali Khan’s latest film, Devara Part 1, premiered in theaters on Friday. This pan-India action movie features Jr NTR and Janhvi Kapoor alongside Saif in leading roles. Directed by Kortala Siva, the film has been released widely in Telugu, Tamil, and Hindi. With impressive advance booking figures, Devara Part 1 is poised for a strong opening day, with projections suggesting a global earnings of over ₹100 crores on its first day.
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