Kiara Advani has claimed the top spot on Google India’s list of most-searched personalities for 2023, while her husband, actor Sidharth Malhotra, secured the sixth position. The couple, who tied the knot in February, continues to enjoy immense popularity among their fans. Their journey from a chance meeting at a party in December 2017, revealed by Kiara on Koffee With Karan’s seventh season, blossomed into a friendship and later a romantic relationship around mid-2018. This coincided with the release of their 2021 war drama, Shershaah.
Kicking off 2023 on a high note, Sidharth and Kiara, exchanged vows in a private ceremony in Jaisalmer in February, surrounded by close family and friends. Although they initially met at the wrap-up party of Kiara’s anthology film Lust Stories (2018), it was during the filming of Shershaah that they fell in love.
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Kiara Advani Shines in “Satyaprem Ki Katha”
On the work front, Kiara Advani and Kartik Aaryan garnered a lot of praise for their roles in Satyaprem Ki Katha. The film achieved a huge box office collection, crossing Rs 125 crore. The film not only earned a big sum at the box office but also enjoyed positive word-of-mouth, contributing to its total worldwide gross of Rs 125 crore. Kiara’s performance as a sexual assault victim won her a lot of praise.
Indian cricketer Shubhman Gill holds the second position on the coveted list, followed by Rachin Ravindra and Mohammed Shami. YouTuber Elvish Yadav, rising to fame after participating in Bigg Boss OTT 2, claimed the fifth position. Despite being a wild card entry, Elvish emerged as the winner. He recently faced controversy regarding his alleged involvement in the use of snake venom at rave parties.
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