Actor Kartik Aryan was offered a paan masala advertisement deal worth ₹ 9 crore which he reportedly rejected, per a Bollywood Hungama report. The website checked this news with a prominent ad guru, who said, “That’s right. That boy Kartik Aryan has said no to around ₹ 8-9 crore offer to endorse paan masala Kartik seems to have principles, a rare commodity in today’s actors who suffer from the gift of the grab. Saying no to such big money is not easy. But Kartik is conscious of his responsibility as a youth icon,” Bollywood Hungama quoted the ad guru as saying.
Earlier this year, actors Akshay Kumar joined Ajay Devgn and Shah Rukh Khan to do an ad for a tobacco firm, for which the Khiladi actor received major flak. He later apologised to his fans. “I would like to apologise to you, all my fans and well-wishers. Your reaction over the past few days has deeply affected me,” read an excerpt from his post and stated that he has “decided to contribute the entire endorsement fee towards a worthy cause.”
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