Despite reaching its peak earnings on Sunday, the film lags far behind The Kerala Story (2023) in terms of revenue. According to, the movie has garnered slightly over Rs 2 crore nett in India since its release. Produced by Vipul Amrutlal Shah and directed by Sudipto Sen, Bastar: The Naxal Story features Adah Sharma in the lead role. This marks the trio’s reunion after their previous collaboration on The Kerala Story.
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The Naxal Story Box Office Collection
The film has garnered Rs 90 lakh nett in India on its third day (Sunday), according to preliminary estimates. With a total of Rs 2.05 crore nett earned in India so far, the movie revolves around the Naxal insurgency in Chhattisgarh’s Bastar district. Adah Sharma portrays the character of an IPS officer in this film directed by Sudipto Sen. Bastar highlights the intricate challenges in combating Naxalism but lacks in thoroughly delving into its complexities. Despite its commendable patriotism and efforts to showcase the sacrifices of individuals affected by the conflict, the film’s avoidance of addressing the nuances within its storyline renders it somewhat unfinished.
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