Three individuals lost their lives, and eight others sustained injuries in a collision on the Mumbai-Pune Expressway early Friday morning. According to officials, the Accident took place near Borghat when a truck on the Mumbai-Pune Expressway lost control due to brake failure, subsequently colliding with two vehicles—a car and a tempo transporting chickens.
Officials reported that three individuals lost their lives and eight others were injured in a collision that occurred on Friday morning on the Mumbai-Pune Expressway near Borghat.
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Tragic mumbai-pune expressway accident claims three lives, injures eight
According to reports from ANI, a devastating accident unfolded near Bhor Ghat on the Mumbai-Pune Expressway. The tragedy occurred when a truck traveling on the expressway experienced brake failure, leading to a loss of control. Regrettably, the out-of-control truck collided with two other vehicles on the road. The injured individuals were promptly transported to a hospital in Khopoli to receive urgent medical attention. Tragically, the accident resulted in the loss of three lives, while eight others sustained injuries. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of road safety measures and the need for vigilant maintenance of vehicles to prevent such catastrophic events.
Also read: तेलंगाना सरकार वसूल रही ‘राहुल रेवंत’ टैक्स,सिकंदराबाद की जनसभा में गृह मंत्री अमित शाह
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