In Chitrakoot, Uttar Pradesh, a tragic incident unfolded as a speeding dumper collided with an auto-rickshaw, resulting in the immediate death of five individuals who were passengers in the three-wheeler. According to authorities, on Tuesday, five people lost their lives and three sustained severe injuries following a collision between a rapidly moving dumper and an auto-rickshaw in Chitrakoot.
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Injured Victims Hospitalized After Chitrakoot Auto Accident, Confirms Police
According to additional SP Chakrapadi Tripathi, who spoke to ANI on Tuesday, the police stated that the injured individuals were taken to a nearby hospital for medical treatment. The incident occurred near the Jhansi Mirzapur national highway, where a speeding dumper collided with an auto-rickshaw, resulting in the immediate death of five passengers traveling in the three-wheeler.
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Fatal Collision Claims Five Lives, Leaves Three Critically Injured
In Uttar Pradesh’s Chitrakoot, tragedy struck on Tuesday morning when a speeding dumper collided with an autorickshaw, resulting in the death of at least five individuals and leaving three others critically injured. The injured individuals have been promptly admitted to a hospital for medical treatment.
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