The BJP on Wednesday accused AAP leaders of anarchy during their standoff with Delhi Police outside the CM’s residence. BJP MP Sudhanshu Trivedi claimed the “monument of corruption” is now exposed. He stated that despite their efforts, AAP leaders Sanjay Singh and Saurabh Bharadwaj cannot shield Arvind Kejriwal’s ‘Sheesh Mahal.’
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AAP Leaders Protest Over ‘Sheesh Mahal’ Allegations
Delhi Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj and Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh marched to the CM’s official bungalow to counter the BJP’s ‘Sheesh Mahal’ allegations, but police stopped them from entering. He further called their actions a blatant display of anarchy.
“We came here to conclude this argument of ‘tera ghar, mera ghar’. We said that the PM residence and CM residence should both be shown to the people. So, we came here,” Bharadwaj said after the police denied them entry.
Bharadwaj and Singh sat on a ‘dharna’ outside the CM’s residence after the police stopped them. They also engaged in heated arguments with the police personnel stationed outside the bungalow.
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Continuing his criticism of the AAP, BJP MP Sudhanshu Trivedi stated, “Today, whatever the AAP has done is a glaring example of their irresponsible, insane, and anarchic behavior. This is yet another instance of their disregard for democratic norms and their attempt to cover up their wrongdoings.”
Delhi BJP chief Virendra Sachdeva also joined in slamming AAP leaders Sanjay Singh and Saurabh Bharadwaj. He accused them of indulging in theatrics to divert attention from the alleged corruption and irregularities surrounding the construction of the ‘Sheesh Mahal,’ referring to the CM’s residence at 6, Flagstaff Road.
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